Bias in News Articles

Purpose: to critizise democratic support of abortion funding


Argument Orgainization: The opposing side's argument for abortion is published in the middle of the srticle, and then the rest of the article is used to explain why the Democratic viewpoint is wrong. This allows the article to mostly consist of, and end on a conservitive, anti-abortion note.

Connotative Word Choice: The words used when discussing Democrats and leftist groups are often associated with being violent and aggressive, while the ones used when talking about Christians and conservatives are positive and noble. For example, are associated with an "assulton religous liberty ", while the RFRA (Religous Freedoms Restoration Act) is said to "protect employers".

Good vs. Evil: The artiele uses phrases that make it appaer that leftist groups are targeting religous freedoms and human life itself. For example, it begins by stating that "Democrats now have thier sights set on... the sanctity of life." This phrasing implies that democrats are on a mission to rob the good Christian Americans of thier right to let their babies live. "Sights set" implies that the democrats are ruthlessly hunting down the Christian beliefs, while "sanctity" makes the poeple of faith's mission to preserve life seem angelic and innocent.

Bias through Source: CBN is a conservative Christian news network, making them likely to defend religous rights and not support abortion.

Bias through Omission: The article does not mention any of the reasons that people would support abortions for, only mentioning that abortions violate religous freedoms. The article also uses a single quote from a 2016 blog against the RFRA to define all leftist group thinkers. The quote is used out of context and makes it appear that the lestist groups are out to squash all religous beliefs.


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