Analyzing Advertisements
This week in class, we learned to critically analyze ads. First, we looked at the style and content of the ad. This involved evaluating how the advertisement was put together, and what kind of impact this was meant to have on the viewer. In addition, we examined how logos (logic), ethos (ethics), and pathos (emotion or passion), could be used to appeal to the audience and make them more likely to be intrigued or even moved by the ad. Below are some examples of ads that I viewed and then analyzed.
This ad for UNICEF is presented using the song "Imagine" by John Lennon. While the only text is the song lyrics, the true impact of this ad comes from the wide variety of people that are singing the same song, most of them shot in black and white and from the same angle. While each person or group only sings for a few seconds before switching to another person, it is enough time for the viewer to recognize how many different walks of life the people come from. For example, there are singers of all ages, races, backgrounds, and genders. Some of them are singing in other languages, and a few of them are even using sign language. Images are shown of schoolchildren in a classroom, and there is even a shot of an astronaut on the space station singing. There is also a mix of well-known celebrities (Katie Perry, Priyanka Chopra, and a recording of John Lennon) and average people with widely varied singing abilities. The message coming from UNICEF, told through all of the singers, speaks of a more diverse, accepting, and loving world for all. This is clear, both in the wide variety of singers as well as in the song lyrics themselves, encouraging viewers to "imagine all the people sharing all the world".
The ad utilizes both ethos and pathos in several ways. The song "Imagine" is an emotion-inducing piece of music on its own, and paired with the many people singing it, it fosters a sense of community and acceptance of all. It also includes many celebrities and well-known people from around the world, giving the viewer a sense of familiarity and lending credibility to the ad. "Imagine" is also a very well-known song, so the message that the ad is conveying will most likely not be lost on the viewer.
I feel that this is an effective ad because it focuses both on the inclusiveness of UNICEF, as well as their vision for the future. It also uses a familiar song and a simple black and white theme to keep the focus on the message that they are trying to get through: by supporting their cause, you can promote a world where everyone can belong.
This Levi's ad encourages people to vote by showing many different people waking up and casting their votes in an election. The people voting are all very different. It shows both men and women, people of all races and ages, different body types, clothing, and living situations. The shots switch quickly from people setting up voting signs to people waking up, to people casting their votes and proudly slapping their "I voted" stickers onto their Levi's jean jackets. The music in the background is "Think" by Aretha Franklin. Specifically, the soundtrack seems to focus on the repeating lyrics of "freedom", which lends to the message that voting will promote freedom. The ad was also released near voting day, giving it a bigger impact than if it was released at any other time. While Levis sends a message encouraging voting, it neglects to address how people who are too young to vote or do not live in a place that allows for voting can make a difference.
This ad uses logos to draw a connection between voting and freedom. According to the ad, if you vote and make your voice heard in an election, you will encourage freedom for all different types of people. The ad also utilizes pathos because it makes people feel like they can have a say in their government by voting. Especially with the current political climate (the ad was released in September 2018), minorities being able to have an influence in politics can create feelings of hope and empowerment in people.
I feel that this ad was effective because it takes an issue that is highly discussed and debated and uses it to draw the viewer in to promote their brand. It also empowers many different types of people, associating Levi's with democracy and open-mindedness. These qualities would make many people proud to sport Levi's in order to associate themselves with these traits.
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